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“You are the embodiment of light. Recognise thy essence.”


Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that emphasises the awakening of Kundalini energy, which is believed to be a dormant spiritual energy located at the base of the spine. The practice involves a combination of physical postures, breath control, chanting, meditation, and the use of specific hand gestures and locks, known as mudras and bandhas.


Key elements of Kundalini yoga include:

Kundalini Energy: Central to Kundalini yoga is the concept of Kundalini energy, often depicted as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine. The goal is to awaken and channel this energy through the central energy channel in the body, known as the Sushumna, to reach the crown chakra, leading to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Asanas (Postures): Kundalini yoga incorporates a variety of dynamic and static postures, or asanas, to activate and balance the body's energy centers, also known as chakras. These postures are often combined with specific breath patterns and movements.

Pranayama (Breath Control): Breath is considered a powerful tool in Kundalini yoga. Practitioners use specific breathing techniques, known as pranayama, to control and direct the flow of life force energy (prana) throughout the body. Breathwork is integral to raising and channeling Kundalini energy.

Mantras and Chanting: Kundalini yoga often involves the repetition of sacred sounds or mantras, as well as chanting. The vibrations created by these sounds are believed to stimulate the energy centers and facilitate the awakening of Kundalini.

Meditation: Meditation is a key component of Kundalini yoga, and various meditation techniques are employed to still the mind, enhance awareness, and connect with higher states of consciousness.

Mudras and Bandhas: Mudras are hand gestures, and bandhas are energy locks employed to direct and contain the flow of energy within the body. These physical techniques are used to enhance the effects of the postures and breathwork.

Integration of Body, Mind, and Spirit: Kundalini yoga is often described as a holistic practice that integrates physical, mental, and spiritual elements. The goal is to achieve a state of balance, self-awareness, and connection to a higher consciousness.

It's important to note that Kundalini yoga is a powerful and transformative practice, and individuals should approach it with respect and, if possible, under the guidance of an experienced and qualified teacher. As with any form of yoga, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning a new practice, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

Kundalini Yoga will teach you how to activate your heart.  The heart is a phenomenal instrument and it is with the beautiful experience of love, pouring through your whole being, that elevates you in this life.  When your heart is open you live life in love and experience the deepest sense of yourself.  It is your birthright to be happy and we must remember this and this stunning technology is the driving force that will take you there.

Meet Your Teachers


Jaap Shiva Kaur - Trudy

This yoga called me long before I answered. 

Welcome to Kundalini Yoga Moreton Bay! I'm Trudy Hudson, a Level 1 KRI certified Kundalini Yoga instructor currently delving into the enriching realms of Level 2 studies. My journey with Kundalini Yoga began in 2016, marking the inception of a profound and spiritual exploration that has since shaped my practice and teaching philosophy.

In addition to my expertise in Kundalini Yoga, I am a certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner at levels 1 and 2. As a holistic facilitator, I also offer transformative Gong Healings and Sound Healings, creating immersive experiences that harmonise mind, body, and spirit.

My passion extends beyond certifications; it lies in fostering meaningful connections with my students, regardless of their yoga journey's stage. Each class is an opportunity to share the transformative power of Kundalini Yoga, creating a space for spiritual growth and self-discovery.

Join me on this sacred journey of awakening and self-realisation. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just starting, Kundalini Yoga Moreton Bay is a haven for those seeking spiritual elevation and holistic well-being. I look forward to connecting and guiding you on this transformative path.

See you in class!



Ajai Alai Awakening School, Level 1, 2018

Ajai Alai Awakening School, Level 2, Conscious Communication, 2022, 2023

Gong Master, Level 1, Gong Sound Meditation, June 2021

Reconnection-Certified Practitioner, Gold Coast 2017

Foundational Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Sydney 2016

Past Life Regression Facilitator - Toni Reilly Institute 2015


Diplomas in: Sacred Geometry, Sound Healing, Kundalini Yoga, Akashic Records, Alchemy. Currently studying Ayurveda and Nada Yoga.

Kirti Dhyan - Tunisia

Sat Nam dear ones;

My journey with Kundalini Yoga has been a whirlwind - a love story...a romance. I fell deeply in love with Kundalini in 2019 when I watched a film called "Yoga - The Architecture of Peace". I had no idea such a beautiful, transformative and captivating practice even existed. I was entranced and my fire ignited. I knew it was for me, this yoga called to me like the sound of a thousand cannons. It called me home. I followed the call and was lead to attend my first ever class here, at Kundalini Moreton Bay, with the beautiful Lorraine Fudge on August 1, 2019. From that first day, I practiced daily for 1000 days, completing my first 1000 day kriya!


In April 2022, I completed the KRI Level One Aquarian Teacher Training with Ajai Alai Awakening School. Before that, I trained with the 13 Moons Women's Temple of Kundalini Yoga and graduated as a Kundalini Meditation teacher, Reiki Healer and Subtle Body Healer. I have also studied the Maori healing modality of Romiromi and Mirimiri with Jolie Davis from Manawa Ora Mirimiri and Workshops. 

I am here to share the gift that these teachings are, the gift of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, the gift of BEing. I invite you to join me on the mat, Kundalini has no levels, come just as you are. 

Ang Sang Waheguru - The Infinite Being is with me and vibrates in every molecule and cell of my being.

Trudy Harmonium.jpg

Sat Nam friends,

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